Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

D is so excited about pumpkins this Halloween that we had to carve pumpkins last night for family night. Here are some pictures of the pumpkin carving extravaganza!!!!!

Below we are lighting the pumpkins!!! D wanted to blow them out like birth day candles...

As you can see E has started to look very pregnant.

D was very into cutting his eyes and nose out of the pumpkin. One thing he wouldn't do is reach in and pull the guts out.
After he was done carving his pumpkin he started to help mommy by taping the design on her pumpkin.


Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! Such a stud, cute pumpkins.

Jillo said...

Looks like a fun night. We haven't tackled the pumpkin carving fest yet. I don't love it so much. Is is legal to stick a plug in pumpkin in the window and call it good?
Have a happy Halloween!

stokeshub said...

Plug in Pumpkins are great. You don't have to worry about them getting stolen...