Thursday, October 23, 2008

Baby Number 2

Well since we started this blog we should probably tell you that E is pregnant with our second child and is due in January. Now for the really exciting part we are having a Girl!!! We are very excited about this. I think I am probably more excited about having a girl than E is. We are going to name her Audree (Clair or Kelly) we are not sure on the middle name; E likes Clair and I like Kelly so we will see as it gets closer to having her what we will choose. E was so sick for the first trimester I felt so bad for her because it wasn't just in the morning she was sick, it was all day. As you know E is very strong and she didn't let it stop her from doing what she wanted to do each day. If that would have been me I think I would have laid in bed all day and really milked it.... E is starting to get in the mode of decorating Audree's room and if you know E at all you know that it won't just be a white room with a few things hung on the wall. It will be its own color and design... I do have to give E credit, sometimes when she tells me what she has planned I think it won't turn out and that she is crazy but so far they all have turned out very well and I have loved them all. So we will have to see what she comes up with for this room...


Holly said...

Congratulations! How exciting!!!

Steve and Katrina said...

We were so excited to see your blog. There is an open invitation here in NC if you ever want to come see a Duke game.

That is crazy, Katrina is due on the 15th and we are also having a girl. We have no idea on names and we are still trying to decide how to decorate the baby's room. We should hit you guys up for some ideas.

Jillo said...

What are you doing for this baby girls room? I need some inspiration as someday Lucy will have her own room and I can go nuts with the girl stuff.

Heather's Blog said...

I'm so happy for you guys - and a little jealous. We need to have a baby shower for you since it's a girl!